Dempster’s® Signature The Classic Sausage Buns is Halal Suitable.
Dempster’s® 100% Whole Grains 12 Grain Bread is Halal Suitable.
Kellogg’s Vector Meal Replacement is Halal Suitable.
Dempster’s® White Sandwich Bread is Halal Suitable.
Bismillāhi Ta`āla The query was regarding Mini-Wheats* Centres Maple Flavour Cereal. Following concerns were reviewed: 1. Any animal byproducts in the ingredients. After reviewing all the data available to us at this time, we have concluded that: Mini-Wheats* Centres Maple Flavour Cereal is harām and impermissible to consume due to it containing gelatin. Jazākallāhu Khairan […]
Dempster’s® Signature The Classic Burger Buns is Halal Suitable.
Dempster’s® Signature Potato Burger Buns is Halal Suitable.
Dempster’s® Texas Toast White Sandwich Bread is Halal Suitable.
All-Bran Flakes* Cereal is halāl and permissible to consume.
Mini-Wheats* Brown Sugar Flavour Cereal is harām and impermissible to consume due to it containing gelatin.
Mini-Wheats* Centres Blueberry Flavour Cereal is harām and impermissible to consume due to it containing gelatin.