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Halal Badge
Brookside Dark Chocolate Pomegranate

Brookside Dark Chocolate Pomegranate is Halal Suitable.

Halal Badge
Farmers Market Strawberry ShortCake

Farmers Market Strawberry ShortCake is Halal Suitable.

Halal Badge
Nutella & Go! with Breadsticks

Nutella & Go! with Breadsticks is Halal Suitable.

Halal Badge
Donsuemor Traditional Madeleines

Donsuemor Traditional Madeleines is Halal Suitable.

Haram Badge
Uncle Tetsu’s Japanese Cheese Cake

Uncle Tetsu’s Japanese Cheese Cake is Haram due to company not able to guarantee that the sources and supplier will remain same and thus wont have animal enzymes.

Halal Badge
Farmers Market Chocolate Chip Biscuits

Farmers Market Chocolate Chip Biscuits is Halal Suitable.

Halal Badge
Kirkland Signature Microwave PopCorn

Kirkland Signature Microwave PopCorn is Halal Suitable.

Halal Badge
Sunny D Tangy Original

Sunny D Tangy Original is Halal Suitable.

Haram Badge
Cheetos Popcorn Flaming Hot

Cheetos Popcorn Flaming Hot is HARAM due presence of animal based enzymes for the preparation of cheese in it (as per out last correspondence).

Haram Badge
Tenderflake Flaky Pastry

Tenderflake Flaky Pastry is HARAM due to presence of Lard in it.

Halal Badge
PC Chocolate Cake

PC Chocolate Cake is Halal Suitable.

Halal Badge
Elite Sweets Decadent Chocolate Cake

Elite Sweets Decadent Chocolate Cake is Halal Suitable.

Halal Badge
Kashi Crunchy 7 grain Quinoa Bars Honey Oat Flax

Kashi Crunchy 7 grain Quinoa Bars Honey Oat Flax is Halal Suitable.

Halal Badge
Kashi Crunchy 7 grain Quinoa Bars Chocolate Chip Chia

Kashi Crunchy 7 grain Quinoa Bars Chocolate Chip Chia is Halal Suitable.

Halal Badge
Keebler Chips Deluxe Minis

Keebler Chips Deluxe Minis is Halal Suitable.

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