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Halal Badge
La Costena Vilore Jalapenos

La Costena Vilore Jalapenos is Halal Suitable.

Doubtful Avoid Badge
Classico Light Creamy Alfredo Pasta Sauce

Classico Light Creamy Alfredo Pasta Sauce is doubtful and should be avoided.

Halal Badge
POM Large Original Tortillas

POM Large Original Tortillas is Halal Suitable.

Haram Badge
French’s Prepared Dijon Mustard

French’s Prepared Dijon Mustard is Haram.

Halal Badge
Wyler’s Authentic Italian Ice Freezer Bars

Wyler’s Authentic Italian Ice Freezer Bars is Halal Suitable.

Haram Badge
Campbell’s Spaghettios Canned Pasta A to Z Shapes with Meatballs

Campbell’s Spaghettios Canned Pasta A to Z Shapes with Meatballs is Haram.

Halal Badge
Dubble Bubble Bubble Gum

Dubble Bubble Bubble Gum is Halal Suitable.

Halal Badge
Breyer’s Frozen Dairy Desert, Heath

Breyer’s Frozen Dairy Desert, Heath is Halal Suitable.

Halal Badge
Sam’s Choice Traditional Pocket Pita Flatbreads

Sam’s Choice Traditional Pocket Pita Flatbreads is Halal Suitable.

Halal Badge
Del Grosso All Natural Pizza Sauce New York Style

Del Grosso All Natural Pizza Sauce New York Style is Halal Suitable.

Halal Badge
The Greek Gods Honey Greek Yogurt

The Greek Gods Honey Greek Yogurt is Halal Suitable.

Halal Badge
Great Value Milk Chocolate Bar

Great Value Milk Chocolate Bar is Halal Suitable.

Halal Badge
Sainsbury’s Brownie Cake Slices

Sainsbury’s Brownie Cake Slices is Halal Suitable.

Halal Badge
Sainsbury’s White Granulated Sugar

Sainsbury’s White Granulated Sugar is Halal Suitable.

Halal Badge
Dimpflmeier Prebiotic Multigrain Bread

Dimpflmeier Prebiotic Multigrain Bread is Halal Suitable.

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