Milk2Go, Cookies and cream is halāl and permissible to consume.
Strawberry Milk Beverage is halāl and permissible to consume.
Kraft Singles Swiss Cheese Slices are halāl and permissible to consume.
KITKAT® Matcha Green Tea Ice Cream is halāl and permissible to consume.
KitKat Espresso Explosion Ice Cream is halāl and permissible to consume.
MARBLE CHEDDAR CHEESE BLOCK is halāl and permissible to consume.
SMARTIES Dessert glacé by Nestle is halāl and permissible to consume.
PC elk crossing ice cream is halal and permissible to consume.
PIZZA MOZZARELLA block cheese by Cracker Barrel is ḥalāl and permissible to consume.
MOZZA Pizza mozzarella shredded cheese by Cracker Barrel is suitable for consumption.
Herb & Garlic cheese slices by Cracker Barrel are permissible
This is a conditional permissibility. So consumer MUST review the ingredients and make sure that any of the above three ingredients are not mentioned on the label.