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Halal Badge
Mike And Ike Berry Blast Candy

Mike And Ike Berry Blast Candy is Halal Suitable.

Halal Badge
Great Value 4% Milkfat Minimum Small Curd Cottage Cheese

Great Value 4% Milkfat Minimum Small Curd Cottage Cheese is Halal Suitable.

Halal Badge
Stute Apricot Conserve

Stute Apricot Conserve is Halal Suitable.

Halal Badge
Farmer’s Market Carrot Muffins

Farmer’s Market Carrot Muffins is Halal Suitable.

Halal Badge
Schwebell’s Sandwich Buns 8 Pack

Schwebell’s Sandwich Buns 8 Pack is Halal Suitable.

Halal Badge
Kozyshack Vanilla Pudding, No Sugar Added

Kozyshack Vanilla Pudding, No Sugar Added is Halal Suitable.

Halal Badge
Lindor Truffle Chocolate Hazelnut

Lindor Truffle Chocolate Hazelnut is Halal Suitable.

Halal Badge
Unico Pepperoncini Peppers

Unico Pepperoncini Peppers is Halal Suitable.

Halal Badge
Barilla Rotini

Barilla Rotini is Halal Suitable.

Halal Badge
Dare Real Fruit Gummies Fruit Medley

Dare Real Fruit Gummies Fruit Medley is Halal Suitable.

Halal Badge
Karoun Whole Milk Yogurt

Karoun Whole Milk Yogurt is Halal Suitable.

Halal Badge
Abuelita Stone Ground White Corn Tortillas Chips

Abuelita Stone Ground White Corn Tortillas Chips is Halal Suitable.

Haram Badge
Knorr OXO Chicken In-A-Mug

Knorr OXO Chicken In-A-Mug is Haram.

Doubtful Avoid Badge
Rollo Engelsk

Rollo Engelsk is doubtful and should be avoided.

Halal Badge
President’s Choice Triple Cheddar Cheese Blend Lactose Free

President’s Choice Triple Cheddar Cheese Blend Lactose Free is Halal Suitable.

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