Kraft Honey Mustard Salad Dressing is Haram.
Kraft BBQ Sauce Chicken & Rib is Halal Suitable.
Kraft Mexican Style Cheddar Jack, Finely Shredded Cheese is doubtful and should be avoided.
Kraft Mild Cheddar Finely Shredded Cheese is doubtful and should be avoided.
Kraft Mozzarella Shredded Cheese (Fat Free) is Halal Suitable.
Kraft Cheese Slices is Haram due to presence of “lipase” which is of animal origin.
Kraft Shredded Parmesan Cheese is doubtful to consume. It will be halal suitable ONLY if it does NOT mention Lipase in its ingredients. If lipase or renin is mentioned in ingredients, then it will not be permissible.
Peanut Butter Smooth by Kraft is halāl and permissible to consume.
Kraft Singles Swiss Cheese Slices are halāl and permissible to consume.