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Haram Badge
Knorr OXO Chicken In-A-Mug

Knorr OXO Chicken In-A-Mug is Haram.

Halal Badge
Sufra Halal Chicken Strips

Sufra Halal Chicken Strips is Halal Suitable.

Haram Badge
Kirkland Signature Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breasts

Kirkland Signature Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breasts is Haram.

Haram Badge
Sainsbury’s Roast British Cooked Chicken Breast Slices

Sainsbury’s Roast British Cooked Chicken Breast Slices is Haram.

Haram Badge
Selection Cream of Chicken

Selection Cream of Chicken is Haram.

Haram Badge
Just Bare Chicken Drumsticks

Just Bare Chicken Drumsticks is Haram.

Haram Badge
Knorr Chicken flavor bullion

Knorr Chicken flavor bullion is Haram due to chicken meat in it.

Doubtful Avoid Badge
Mr Noodles Noodles in a cup Spicy Chicken

Mr Noodles Noodles in a cup Spicy Chicken is Doubtful. (The product may contain Shellfish, hence must be avoided).

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