Bismillāhi Ta`āla
The query was regarding Villaggio® Classico Italian Style Thick Slice White Bread.
Following concerns were reviewed:
1. Any animal byproducts in the ingredients.
After correspondence with the company and reviewing all the data available to us at this time, we have concluded that:
Villaggio® Classico Italian Style Thick Slice White Bread is halāl and permissible to consume.
[ 29 Dec, 2024] Villaggio® Classico Italian Style Thick Slice White Bread is Mashbooh.
The product contain some concerning ingredients which needs to be verified. The product does not have any further information on certifications.
The specific ingredient in question here is “Acetylated tartaric acid esters of mono and diglycerides”. Our research finds that some of the market practices still sources tartaric acid in Western Market from byproduct of wine making. [this is contrary to our previous position that it was from grape mulch/juice and not fermented wine]. Hence the default position for this ingredient will revert to international standard of doubtful.
Marked Mashbooh.
Jazākallāhu Khairan
Department of Halal Ingredients
and Products Research