Bismillāhi Ta`āla

The query was regarding Black Diamond Cheese by Parmalat.

Following concerns were reviewed:

1. Use of Rennet or other animal derived enzymes for the production of cheese.

Upon research of MMI (modified milk ingredients) found in Black Diamond cheese products, the following conclusion was reached;

• If rennet or lipase is listed in the ingredients, then MMI is made using animal by-products, hence that Black Diamond cheese product will be unsuitable for consumption.

• If microbial enzymes or bacterial culture is listed, then MMI was not made using animal by-products, hence that Black Diamond cheese product will be suitable for consumption.

Observe caution and verify neither rennet nor lipase is found in the ingredients.

This is a conditional permissibility. So consumer MUST review the ingredients and make sure that any of the above three ingredients are not mentioned on the label.

Jazākallāhu Khairan

Department of Halal Ingredients
and Products Research